Friday 24 November 2017

Online Trading Post Brisbane

Story Bridge og Brisbanes CBD fra Wilsons Outlook Brisbane er hovedstaden i Queensland, med en befolkning på rundt 2 millioner mennesker, noe som gjør den til den tredje største byen i Australia. Den positive holdningen og kreativ selvtillit gjør Brisbane til en ekte nyverdenby. Selv om Brisbane utvikler seg raskt og fremtidsrettet, opprettholder det en ungdommelig entusiasme, og det er uten tvil den mest livlige, avslappede og vennligste atmosfæren i enhver østkysten hovedstad. Å oppnå internasjonal eksponering under 1982 Commonwealth Games, 1988 World Expo og 2001 Goodwill Games, Brisbanes året rundt varmt klima, spektakulær natur og hyggelige lokalbefolkningen har vært trekkkort for mange innenlandske og internasjonale besøkende, noe som gjør Brisbane til den raskest voksende byen i Australia. I november 2014 arrangerte byen G-20-toppmøtet, som tiltrekker seg tusenvis av media, delegater og sikkerhetspersonell. Distrikter Rediger Visning av Brisbane fra Kangaroo Point. Som de fleste australske hovedstader har Brisbane en stor urban sprawl med mange forskjellige områder som har sine egne unike egenskaper og egenskaper. The CBD (lokalt referert til som The City) er der Brisbanes store bedrifter er interspersed med flere kjøpesentre, kinoer, parker og mange av Brisbanes historiske turiststeder. Queen Street Mall 1 i hjertet av CBD er Queenslands premier shopping destinasjon og et must se for alle besøkende. South Bank (ofte feilstavet som Southbank) har etniske restauranter, kantete kafeer, strandpromenader og en indre bystrand. Ligger ved South Bank er Queenslands Cultural Precinct, som inkluderer Performing Arts Center, Queensland Museum, statsbiblioteket, Queensland Art Gallery og det spektakulære galleriet for moderne kunst (GoMA). Begrepet South Bank er også vanlig brukt til å referere til South Bank Parklands, som var stedet for World Expo 88. Fortitude Valley (eller The Valley) 2 kombinerer Brisbanes Chinatown, alternativ shopping og pulserende natteliv. Eklektiske barer med nye og innovative DJs og førsteklasses superklubber har ført til en større enn livsfølsomhet til Valley-distriktet. Hjem til den beste live musikk og underholdning scene i Australia. Vestkant . som ligger like bak South Bank, er et opptatt, bohemsk distrikt med kunstbutikker og kafeer. West End er hvor du finner alternative bøker, kult videobutikker og økologiske produkter og quirky lokalbefolkningen. Ny gård. som ligger ved siden av The Valley, har eksklusive shoppingmuligheter og trendy spisesteder. En bekreftet favoritt av lokalbefolkningen, New Farm er høyt oppe på den varme listen over steder å være og å bli sett. Portside Wharf. som ligger ved Hamilton, er der cruiseskipene docker på Brisbane River. Dette området var tidligere kjent som Bretts Wharf, og tilbyr fine restauranter, kinoer og spesialtilbud. Et flott sted å vandre og ha et måltid. Paddington Rosalie Milton. Paddington blir raskt stedet for å handle med mange små, unike butikker fullt av lokale design og vanskelig å finne motesmykker. Rosalie er hjemsted for mange sjarmerende barer, markeder og restauranter. Milton har to av Brisbanes mest kjente ikoner plassert side om side - Castlemaine (XXXX) bryggeriet og Suncorp Stadium. Mount Coot-tha. en forstad og et fjell (nærmere bestemt en stor bakke) ca 6160 km (4160 mi) vest for CBD, som lett gjenkjennes av de store TV - og radioantennene som strekker sin topp. Bushland-området har mange tur - og sykkelstier. Det er en naturskjønn kjøretur gjennom Mount Coot-tha Reserve som klatrer til toppmøtet 3. som har en restaurant og kafé, og tilbyr majestetisk 360 utsikt over Brisbane og den omliggende regionen. Mount Coot-tha har også sin base Brisbane Botanic Gardens 4 og Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium. Sunnybank. en forstad som har en stor asiatisk befolkning. Et flott reisemål for autentisk asiatisk mat. Gå til markedsplassen. Bulimba. en forstad som ligger øst for CBD rett over elven fra New Farm, kan skryte av noen av Brisbanes beste restauranter, lett tilgjengelig med ferge fra New Farm Park og CBD. De fleste bydeler i byen har sin egen stil og tilbyr noen små, unike attraksjoner, spesielt kafeer, restauranter, historiske steder eller kunstneriske ventures. Noen av de andre store distriktene er Spring Hill, Indooroopilly, Manly Harbour, Toowong, St Lucia og South Brisbane. Forstå Rediger Brisbane CBD om natten fra Kangaroo Point I mange tusen år har aboriginals bodd i det som nå er kjent som Brisbane. I 1823 var John Oxley den første engelske kolonisten for å utforske Brisbane, som deretter ble valgt av kolonien New South Wales som stedet for et nytt fengsel, ment å huse farlige fanger på en ekstern plassering. Oppgjøret ble kalt Brisbane etter Sir Thomas Brisbane, guvernør i New South Wales på den tiden. Den opprinnelige bosetningen ble etablert i det som nå er forstad til Redcliffe, men ble senere flyttet til et sted lenger ned i bukta. I 1837 flyttet de fritt bosetterne til området og presset for å lukke fengselet og frigjøre landet i området. I 1859 førte en gullstrøm til etableringen av kolonien Queensland med Brisbane som hovedstad, oppkalt etter Sir Thomas MakDougall Brisbane, den sjette guvernør i New South Wales. I 1925 opprettet Queensland-statsparlamentet Brisbane-loven, og opprettet en enkelt regjering for Brisbane. Nylig sterk migrasjon til Brisbane og hele Sørøst-Queensland finner sted på grunn av billigere boligpriser, et hyggelig klima og gode arbeidsplasser. Området står for tiden utfordringen med å gi nok ferskvann til sine beboere. Du er ikke sannsynlig å finne kranen tørr eller se noen synlige tegn på mangelen, men hold dusjen relativt kort (lokale vannbegrensninger kaller 4 minutters dusj). Brisbane er beryktet for å ha blitt etablert på floodplain av Brisbane River, som har resultert i store flom i 1893, 1974 og 2011. Flommen i januar 2011 skadet ulike infrastrukturer langs elven og de omkringliggende forstedene, men de fleste bedrifter og tjenester har siden gjenopprettet fra denne hendelsen. Klima Rediger Brisbane har et helårs leve klima. Når den våte sesongen rammer de nordlige australske tropene, har Brisbane varme og klare sommerdager (med ettermiddag tordenvær). Når vinteren treffer sydlige hovedsteder i Sydney og Melbourne sender temperaturer til lavt tenårene (176C), forblir Brisbane-klimaet stort sett tørt og solfylt, med dagens temperaturer som vanligvis gjenstår over 20176C. Fuktigheten er høy i sommermånedene, og dagtemperaturen kan komme så høyt som 35176C med nattemper som sjelden faller under 20176C. Tilfeldig varmebølger kan øke temperaturen over 40176C, men disse er ikke vanlige. Omtrent alt uteaktivitet du gjør på høyden på en vanlig sommerdag i Brisbane, vil la deg bade i svette. På sommeren er en t-skjorte med shorts og thongs (flip-flops) passende antrekk for de fleste tilfeldige aktiviteter, og air condition vil sikre deg en behagelig natts søvn. Sommer stormer med hagl og kraftig nedbør er vanlig om ettermiddagen på varme fuktige dager. De passerer vanligvis raskt. Begrens utendørs fysisk aktivitet om sommeren til du er vant til varmen og drikk rikelig med vann. Dekk opp med solkrem, løs klær og solbriller for å beskytte mot solbrenthet. Besøkendesenter Rediger Brisbane Visitor Information Centre og Booking Center 5 på Queen Street Mall, MT 9 AM5:30 PM, F 9:00 PM, S 9:00 PM, Su og offentlige helligdager 9:30 AM 4:30 PM, stengt God fredag ​​og 25. desember 61 7 3006- 6290. Kom inn Rediger Alle besøkende - bortsett fra borgere fra New Zealand - krever visum i forkant av reisen. Med fly Rediger Brisbane Airport (BNE) 6 er 20 km (12 mi) nordøst for sentrum på Eagle Farm, nord for elva. Det er direktefly fra alle australske hovedsteder og mange regionale sentre. De største transportørene inkluderer Virgin Australia 7. Jetstar og Qantas. Flyplassen betjenes av mange regionale flyselskaper, og det er mulig å fly daglig til de fleste asiatiske sentre (og videre til Europa), USA. Canada. Midtøsten og New Zealand. uten å flyr via Sydney eller Melbourne. Det er internasjonale og innenlandske terminaler, men noen innenlandsfly går fra den internasjonale terminalen, og noen internasjonale flyvninger (via andre australske byer) går fra den innenlandske terminalen. Sjekk hvilken terminal flyet ditt bruker og ikke antar, basert på om det er en internasjonal eller internasjonal flytur. Overføring mellom terminaler Rediger Tillat tilstrekkelig tid for overføringen mellom terminaler. Terminaler er 3km fra hverandre og det er ikke praktisk å gå med bagasje mellom dem hovedveien som forbinder dem har ingen gangvei og er veldig opptatt. Overføringer mellom lufthavnsterminaler kan gjøres på Airtrain 8-tjenesten. Det tilbyr forbindelser om dagen med tog hver 15-30 minutter. Togbilletten er 5, 4,50 hvis du bestiller en billett på forhånd, og turen varer 2 min. Airtrain-billettprisen er inkludert av Virgin Australia og Qantas, når du kobler mellom sine flyreiser, bare presentere ombordstigningspasset til Airtrain-staben. Innenriks til internasjonale overføringer opererer M-F 5:40 AM-8 PM, Sa Su 6 AM-8PM. Internasjonalt til innenlandske overføringer opererer M-F 5:30 AM-7:45 PM, Søn 5:30 AM-7:30 PM. Et annet alternativ er Airport Transfer Bus 9-tjenesten. Tjenestene opererer omtrent hvert 20. minutt mellom kl. 05:20 og 10:50, og bussholdeplasser ligger utenfor Qantas og Virgin Australia ankomsthall ved Domestic Terminal, og utenfor ankomsthallen på International Terminal. Bussen er gratis, og denne bussen tilbyr også Airport Village, som ligger nær Direct Factory Outlet (DFO) 10. Et lite kjøpesenter som spesialiserer seg på klær og hjemmebutikker, men inneholder også en matrett. Dens dyrt, men verdt å sjekke ut om du har mer enn et par timer mellom flyreiser. Vær forsiktig, siden den siste bussen tilbake til flyplassen terminaler er klokka 18:20. Utenfor Airtrain-timer eller hvis du har en begrenset tilkoblingstid, er en taxi ditt eneste alternativ. Hvis flyene dine er booket på samme billett, kan Virgin Australia eller Qantas betale for taxi når den er bestilt på en stram forbindelse. Fra flyplassen til byen Rediger Airtrain 11 forbinder til byen fra flyplassen hvert 15. minutt i toppetider og stopper ved sentral-, sørbank-, fortitude - og Roma-stasjonene. En voksenpris til byens stasjoner er 17 og en returbillett er 33 og kan kjøpes på Airtrain stasjoner. Det er 10 rabatt for å kjøpe online for enveis eller returreiser, men bare hvis du starter på flyplassen. Reisetid til bystasjonene kan være opptil 30 minutter. Togene begynner å løpe mellom 5 AM-6AM. De siste togene forlater byen rundt 9:00 og flyplassen om 10:00. Det er mulig å ta Airtrain direkte til Gold Coast, selv om det er nødvendig å koble til en busstjeneste på Nerang Station for å nå Surfers Paradise, eller på Robina Station for å nå Coolangatta. CoachTrans 12 tilbyr også overføringer via buss til Brisbane City-innkvartering og til Gold Coast. Voksenpris (en vei) til Brisbane City er 20, og en voksenpris (en vei) til Gold Coast er 44. Billetter er billigere hvis du kjøper en returbillett. Du kan ende opp med å vente opptil en time hvis du prøver å bestille når du ankommer flyplassen, så forhåndsbestilling er et must, og ingen refusjon er tillatt. Reisetiden varierer avhengig av antall passasjerer på bussen og trafikken kan det være alt fra 20 til 60 minutter. Offentlig transport Med offentlig transport, kan du komme til byen for bare rundt 4. Fra flyplassen, kjør gratis T-bussen til Skygate (Airport Village). Vær oppmerksom på at T-bussen stopper i nærheten av terminalbygningen og ikke ved bussholdeplassen for andre busser og varebiler (veldig lett å finne selv, eller spør på informasjonsdisken), og bare noen av T-bussene går til Airport Village (ekspressbusser går bare mellom hjem og hjemland, mens vanlige også går til Skygate hvert 20. minutt). Fra Skygate, vent på stedet du dro av bussen og ta Translink buss 590 til Toombul kjøpesenter (bare 2 stopp). Derfra kan du ta toget til byen. Dette koster under 4 med et go kort, off peak. Du kan også kjøpe enkeltbilletter, men det vil bli dyrere. Du kan kjøpe et go-kort på Airtran-stasjonen for 30 (10 innskudd og 20 brukbare), men du kan ikke kjøpe go-kortet på Airport Village eller fra en sjåfør. Dermed for den billigste måten å komme seg til byen, må du først gå til Airtran-terminalen for å kjøpe et go-kort, men ikke gå gjennom turnstile og istedenbakke tilbake til T-bussen. En limooverføring 13 er langt den dyreste måten å komme seg rundt, men det er også den enkleste forsterkeren vil være mer avslappende enn offentlig transport. Du kan bestille en limo på forhånd, og føreren møter deg på flyplassen når du ankommer. De fleste limo selskaper vil overvåke flyet ditt hvis flyet er forsinket eller til og med kommer tidlig. En taxi fra flyplassen til Brisbane sentrum koster ca 35. Et godt alternativ for å komme inn i byen kan derfor være for to eller flere reisende å dele kostnadene ved en taxi til Brisbane Central. Spør alltid en fast pris før du godtar en drosjetur, og sørg for å fortelle sjåføren hvor mange personer han tar for å unngå plutselige prisstigninger med detaljerte endringer. Det er også nyttig å finne en lokal retur hjem for å unngå drivere som utnytter utlendinger. Brisbane lokalbefolkningen er alltid vennlig og glad for å skjørt systemet for enkelhets skyld og kostnadsbesparelser. Fra Brisbane Central eller Roma Street stasjon kan en reisende komme til omtrent hvor som helst i Brisbane. Fra Gold Coast Rediger Surfside busser regelmessig ruten fra Tweed Heads hele veien langs Gold Coast, med forbindelser til toget til Brisbane på Robina. Du kan kjøpe en enkeltbillett for å dekke turen, koste rundt 17. En privat overføringstjeneste 14 er tilgjengelig mellom byer og regionale steder. De tilbyr en lignende tjeneste til drosjer og limousiner, men til et mer overkommelig prispunkt. Tjenestene må akkrediteres av Queensland-regjeringen, og de må forhåndsbestilles av kunder. Sjåførene må også ha en sjåfør autoritet. Private Transfer-tjenester er tilgjengelige for å overføre passasjerer til og fra Gold Coast Airport og Brisbane Airport, Hoteller og andre turistrelaterte steder. Gold Coast Airport (IATA. OOL), også kalt Coolangatta flyplass. er et billig transportsenter, betjent av AirAsia X, Jetstar, Pacific Blue og andre. Det er IKKE åpen 24 timer og stenger om natten, så ikke planlegger å tilbringe natten før en tidlig morgen flytur. Dens rundt 30 minutters kjøring til Surfers Paradise. Det er en skyttelbuss som forbinder flyplassen til hovedruten Surfside busser på Gold Coast Hwy mellom Tweed Heads og Surfers Paradise. Med tog Rediger Countrylink 15 opererer to daglige jernbanetjenester fra Sydney, med forbindelser fra Melbourne og Canberra. Queensland Rail 16 har tjenester fra de fleste sentre i Queensland Med bil Rediger Besøkende fra sørlige stater kan nå Brisbane med enten New England og Cunningham eller Pacific Highways. A1 Bruce Highway forbinder Queenslands nordlige kyst til Brisbane. M1 Pacific Motorway forbinder Brisbane til Gold Coast og Pacific Highway langs New South Wales kysten. Motorveien M2 Ipswich forbinder til Ipswich og omkringliggende vestlige Brisbane-områder. A2 Warrego motorveien knytter Brisbane mot vest gjennom Lockyer Valley, Toowoomba og Darling Downs. Den 15 (A15) Cunningham motorveien knytter Brisbane til sørlige Queensland og sentrale vestlige New South Wales. Med buss Rediger Premier Motor Service 17 knytter noen sentre på østkysten av NSW og Queensland til Brisbane, samt tilkoblinger til Melbourne. Greyhound Australia 18 lenke til de fleste andre steder til Brisbane. Med båt Rediger Brisbane har nylig blitt hjemmet til en internasjonal cruise terminal med tittelen Portside Wharf 19. Brisbane City og Spring Hill Rediger Budsjett Rediger Beach House. 61 7 3003-0017 Ligger på hjørnet av Albert og Elizabeth St, Myer Center, 2F. Licensiert bar, store måltider og levende underholdning til verdi for pengene. Bar Merlo. 89. Ulike kjøpesentre i hele byen, deres første åpning i QUT Gardens Point campus. Betraktet som en av lederne i Brisbane caf society boom siden 90-tallet, deres kaffe serveres på utallige kafeer og restauranter i hele Brisbane. Kadoya Elizabeth St Arcade. Berømt for sine autentiske japanske karriretter. MOS Burger Albert Street, like ved Queen St Mall i retning av King George Square. En av Australias to MOS steder (den andre er i Sunnybank). Ganske populær, så det kan være en linje til lunsjtid. Tysk pølsehytte Burnett Lane. Utmerket og autentisk tysk mat. Ta med deg tilgjengelig. De tilbyr currywurst, wurst i et kast, wurst på en tallerken med potetsalat og surkål. Midtbane Rediger Little Tokyo 85 Bowen St, Spring Hill. 61 7 3831-7751, 90. Eldste japanske restaurant i Brisbane, under samme eierandel i over 40 år. Autentisk mat og innredning, men på øvre priser. Pane e Vino. Albert St, 61 7 3220-0044, 91. Italiensk restaurant med pasta og strømnettet 18-34. Ikke mye ekte italiensk atmosfære som finnes i mer typiske restauranter lenger sør i Melbourne. Sono. Queen Street Mall, 61 7 3220-1888, 92. Autentisk japansk mat. Har et annet uttak i det nye Portside-området i Hamilton. Le Bon Choix. 379 Queen St, nær den gyldne triangelen, p 07 3229 9260, 93. Flott fransk bakeri. Selger et godt utvalg av smørbrød, kaker, tortes, makaroner, ferskt brød, croquettes, quiches og kaffe. Handelstid: Mandag-fredag ​​7am - 6pm, lør-søn 7am - 5pm Splurge Rediger ARIA Brisbane. 94. 1 Eagle St, 61 7 3233-2555. Søsterrestauranten til den berømte ARIA Sydney, ARIA Brisbane, er ikke mindre imponerende, med en imponerende utsikt over elven og Story Bridge. Ligger i Eagle St Pier-distriktet, spesialiserer den seg på de ferskeste australske råvarene. Alchemy. 95. 61 7 3229-3175. Denne restauranten ligger i et lite gjemmested på Eagle St, og har en av de mest imponerende utsiktene i Brisbane, med utsikt over elven til Story Bridge. Velkjent for sine flytende nitrogen nibbles lever Alchemy opp til sitt navn. Cha Cha Char 96 Pier Ave, 61 7 3211-9944. Berømt prisvinnende steakhouse ligger ved Eagle St Pier-distriktet. Deres steker betraktes som en av Australias beste. Nylig åpnet er Organic Char, søsterestauranten til Cha Cha Char, som serverer økologisk produksjon. Ecco Bistro 97 100 Boundary St, 61 7 3831-8344. Grunnlagt og drevet av den internasjonalt anerkjente og anerkjente kokken Philip Johnson, er det en av de beste restaurantene i Brisbane og Australia. Esquire. 98 145 Eagle St, 61 7 3220-2123. Nylig åpnet av kjøkkensjef Ryan Squires, som trent på Noma i København, er denne restauranten berømt for sin degustasjonsmeny. En umiddelbar hit i Brisbane. Ikke kast deg i shorts og en t-skjorte. Mange en intetanende Brisbanite har forsøkt å komme inn, men selv i høyden på sommeren håndhever de fortsatt den strenge klesregelen. Il Centro. 1 Pier Ave, 61 7 3221-6090, 99. Ligger i Eagle St Pier-området, sammen med andre bemerkelsesverdige naboer. Famed for sin signatur sandkrabbe lasagne, er det en av de mest populære italienske restaurantene i Brisbane og også blant de priciest. Moda. 12 Edward St, 61 7 3221-7655 100. Stort utvalg av viner og en variert meny inkludert sjømat, and, kanin og svinekoteletter. På ingen måte billig men fantastisk mat. Restaurant to. Hjørne av Edward og George St, (over gaten fra Botanic Gardens), 61 7 3210-0600, 101. Ledet av daglig leder David Pugh, er det allment ansett som en av Brisbanes beste restauranter. Sake. Eagle St Pier, 102. Nylig mottakeren av en australsk Gourmet Traveler-stjerne, og valgt som en av Australias 100 Top Restaurants, er Sake en av de varme nybegynnere til Brisbane-restaurantscenen. Serverer japansk mat. Tank. Tank St, 61 7 3003 1993. Et annet medlem av de 100 beste restaurantene i Australia, Tank, serverte også japansk-australsk mat i et bortgjemt sted i en liten lane fra Tank St, i nordkvarteret i Brisbane CBD. Urbane. Mary St, (kort gange fra Stamford Plaza), 61 7 3229-2271. En av de beste fine dining restaurantene i Brisbane, serverer ukonvensjonell, men nyskapende mat. Vintaged. Hilton Brisbane, Elizabeth St. Serverer forsiktig alderen kjøtt i luksuriøse omgivelser, dette er en av de bedre hotellrestaurantene i Brisbane. Fortitude Valley og New Farm Rediger The Purple Olive Restaurants Brisbane. 79 James St (Italian Fortitude Valley), 61 7 3254 0097 103 Bank Vault Lounge. Brunswick St Mall, 61 7 3252-3424. 104. Vedfyrte pizzaer, utendørs servering. Kontinental kafé. 21 Barker St, 61 7 3254-0377, 105. God mat, hyggelig atmosfære på tvers av flere rom, overraskende god barnemeny. Åpent til middag 364 dager i året. Se opp for offal spesialtilbud på tirsdager. Pålitelig høy kvalitet. Gerards Bistro. 14 15 James St (Gerards Lane New Farm), 61 7 3852 3822 106 Nyt Inn. 167 Wickham St, (hjørne av Duncan St i Chinatown) 61 7 3252-3838. En av de lengste etablerte restaurantene i Brisbane, god kinesisk mat. Fatboys Cafe 323 Brunswick St, 61 7 3252-3789. Kafeen del av Rics Bar, på Brunswick St Mall. Serverer noen av de beste valuta for pengene frokoster i Brisbane fra 4. Freestyle Tout. 1000 Ann St, 61 7 3252-0214. Populær dessertrestaurant som ligger i Emporium, med en søsterrestaurant som først er etablert i Rosalie-butikkene i Paddington. Green Tea Restaurant. 31 Duncan St, (Duncan St i Chinatown Mall), 61 7 3252-4855. God autentisk vietnamesisk mat til en fornuftig pris. Harveys. (James St-området), 61 7 3852-3700, 107. Veldig populær kaférestaurant og deli. Det ligger en kort spasertur fra James St-markedet. Hunan kinesisk restaurant. (Chinatown Mall). Upretensiøs spisested som serverer eksotisk regional kinesisk fare fra Hunan-provinsen, samt kinesisk takeaway-stifter til billige og rimelige priser. Kongenes konge . Wickham St, (Chinatown distrikt), 61 7 3852-1122. En Brisbane institusjon for yum cha, anstendig mat og priser. Mekka Bah. 1000 Ann St, (Emporium precinct), 61 7 3252-5299, 108. Populær restaurant som serverer moderne Midtøsten mat, en del av en australsk interstate franchise som stammer fra Melbourne. Mint Indian Gourmet. Brunswick St, (nær Central Brunswick-distriktet), 61 7 3252-0300. Indisk restaurant som serverer tradisjonelle karriretter samt gourmetretter til øvre priser. Re Del Gelato. 61 7 3358-2177. Vakkert laget italiensk gelato, en perfekt hette etter et godt måltid på en av de nærliggende restaurantene på Brunswick Street. James Street Market. 109. Ikke en restaurant, men en yuppie dagligvarebutikk hvor du finner all mat og drikke du trenger å ta med deg i busken. Taj Mahal . 722 Brunswick St, (motsatte Village Twin Cinemas), 61 7 3254-2388. Fantastisk indisk mat. Caterers til Indian Cricket Team når i Brisbane. Thai Wi-Rat. 20 Duncan St, (på Chinatown Mall), 61 7 3257-0884. Billig og munter autentisk regional Thai-Laotisk mat. Vespa Pizza. 148 Merthyr Rd, (hjørne av James St), 61 7 3358-4100, 110. Woodfired pizza restaurant på. Serverer de beste pizzaene i Brisbane og er BYO. Koselig atmosfære i den fairylight-litte gårdsplassen utenfor og rom å bevege seg i booths inni. Leverer til lokalområdet på Vespa scootere. South Bank og Woolloongabba Rediger Ahmets Turkish Restaurant. Little Stanley St, 61 7 3846-6699. Tyrkisk restaurant, har bukdansere i helgene. En av de mest populære og travleste restaurantene i South Bank-distriktet, men den tålmodige kvaliteten på kjøkkenet betyr en lengre enn vanlig vent på mat. Forvent ikke å være inn og ut på mindre enn en time. Brisbane tysk klubb. 416 Vulture St, (motsatt Gabba-stadion), 61 7 3391-2434, 111. Denne restaurantbaren ligger rett, og tilbyr et flott utvalg av autentisk tysk mat og øl til svært rimelige priser. Grønn Papaya. 898 Stanley St. 61 7 3217-3599, 112. Tidligere en fransk-inspirert nord-vietnamesisk restaurant med fin mat, grunnlagt av den kjente kokken Lien Yeomans, drives den nå av Mons Ban Sabai-ledelsen og serverer thailandsk og indonesisk mat. Norman Hotel. 102 Ipswich Rd, Woolloongabba. 61 7 3391-5022, 113. Sammen med Breakfast Creek Hotel, muligens de beste biffene i byen, er dets slagord Brisbanes verste vegetariske restaurant. Milton og Park Road Rediger Kinasjøen. 60 Park Rd, (på Coronation Drive-enden av Park Road), 61 7 3367-0198. Utmerket kinesisk mat til øvre priser. La Dolce Vita. 20 Park Rd, (ved siden av Rue de Paris). 61 7 3368-3805. Stor italiensk kafé Rue de Paris. 30 Park Rd, 61 7 3368-2600. Brisbanes Eiffeltårnet, en annen stor kafé Royal Thai Orchid 45 Little Cribb St, (utenfor Park Rd), 61 7 3229-2588, 114. Thai restaurant. Søsters restauranten i ytre forstad til Springwood var den første Thai-restauranten i Brisbane. The Lure 28 McDougall St, (på Coro Hotel on Milton Rd), 61 7 3369-9955, 115. Kjent for sine velforberedte sjømat. Paddington Rediger Gambaros. 33 Caxton St, 61 7 3369-9500, 116. Har både en sjømatrestaurant og en veletablert sjømatopptak. En Brisbane-institusjon. Harem 282 Gitt Tce, 61 7 3368-3141. Tyrkisk restaurant komplett med magedans Kookaburra Cafe 280 Given Tce, 61 7 3369-2400. God pizza i en avslappet atmosfære Montrachet. 224 Gitt terrasse, 117. Fransk bistro som spesialiserer seg på lyonnaisespesialiteter, betraktet som en av Brisbanes beste restauranter. Sultans Kitchen 163 Given Ter, 61 7 3368-2194, 118. Blant de beste indiske matene i byen. Frisk og velsmakende og god service. Vanligvis fylles raskt og gjør en brølende take-away handel, så komme tidlig. Tomatbrødre, 19 Nash St, (Rosalie butikker i Paddington), 61 7 3368-1601, 119. Kjennetegnet for sine vedfyrte pizzaer, med flere franchiser i flere Brisbane forsteder som Wilston og Clayfield. Urban Grind, 530 Brunswick St, LaTrobe Ter, 61 408 101 140, 120. Lite caf med BYO matpolitikk, god kaffe og gratis WiFi. For de som ønsker å hengi seg til en skyldfri kopp kaffe, er Urban Grind opptatt av å være klimanøytral og bruke Barambah økologisk melk i sine fantastiske kaffe. Sol. 20 Latrobe Ter. Vegetar og alle organiske caf varme om vinteren og kult om sommeren og kaffen er flott. University of Queensland Rediger Universitetet og dets omgivelser gir mange kvalitetsmatsteder hvis du tilfeldigvis befinner deg i området eller på en CityCat-ferge og passer til et billigere marked. Et salt n batteri. Hawken Drive, Hawken Village. Kvalitet fisk og chip shop-cum-sjømat restaurant med et bredt utvalg av mat og anstendig priser. Ca 5-10 min gange fra universitetet. Pizza Caffe 61 733 772 239121 - fantastiske pizzaer med veldig forskjellige ingredienser South Brisbane og West End Rediger Era Bistro. 102 Melbourne St, South Brisbane, 61 7 3255-2033, 122. Utmerket bistro mat, flott kafé sted, omfattende vinkjeller. Samme ownerschef som tidligere kritikerroste Circa. Huongs. 83a Vulture St. Thai, vietnamesisk og kinesisk mat. BYO og Takeaway tilgjengelig. Lefkas Taverna 170 Hardgrave Rd, West End, 61 7 3844-1163. Brisbanes mest berømte greske takeaway og restaurant. Makanan Indonesia. 59 Hardgrave Rd, 61 7 3846-2111. Autentisk indonesisk fare til uslåelig verdi. Mondo Organics. 166 Hardgrave Rd, West End, 61 7 3844-1132. Betraktet som Brisbanes førende økologisk matrestaurant. Har også en matlagingskurs. Punjabi-palasset. 135 Melbourne St, South Brisbane, 61 7 3846-3884, 123. Uten tvil en av Brisbanes beste indiske restauranter. The Forest Cafe. Grense St. Vegan mat. Innendørsområdet kan imidlertid bli ganske varmt i sommermånedene. Tukka. 145b Boundary St, 61 7 3846-6333, 124. Unik og nyskapende, moderne, innfødt australsk mat. Prissetting er på det øvre området, men verdt et besøk. Trang. 259 Hardgrave Road West End. Sa noen om Pho Head her for muligens den beste Pho er Brisbane. Gi den kinesiske menyen en glipp. Gandhi Curry House. s10 Little Stanley St South Brisbane, (gandhicurryhouse. au) 61 7 3844 1997 Feirer 10 år med autentisk indisk mat i Brisbanes South Bank. Restauranter i andre områdesprinsipper Rediger Den berømte biffen på Breakfast Creek Baguette. 150 Racecourse Rd, (Ascot-området), 61 7 3268-6168, 125. Moderne-australske restaurant som eies og drives av Domenech-familien i over 30 år. Blå Lotus. Kelvin Grove Urban Village precinct, 126. Gourmet og eksotiske is kremer som endres i henhold til sesongene. Breakfast Creek Hotel. 2 Kingsford Smith Drv, (i Newstead-området). 61 7 3262-5988-127. Berømt for sine biffer, en Brisbane-institusjon. Den vegetariske meze tallerken på Efes Bretts Wharf, 449 Kingsford Smith Dr, (utenfor Racecourse Rd), 61 7 3868-1717-128. Kjøkkensjef er den berømte Alastair McLeod, flott sjømat og fantastisk utsikt over Brisbane-elven. The Courthouse Restaurant, 1 Paxton St, Cleveland, 61 7 3286 1386 - courthouserestaurant. au. En restaurant i Redlands, som ligger i en 1850-talls domstol, tilbyr kvalitetsmat i en fantastisk arvbygning med vakker utsikt over Moreton Bay. Earth n Sea. Oxford St, Bulimba 61 7 3899-5988 eller 377 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo 61 7 3847-7780 129. BYO familie restaurant serverer deilige pasta retter og pizzaer med uvanlige påfyll, alle med de ferskeste ingrediensene, god atmosfære og underlig Aussie-innredning. Dyrt, men du garantert å gå fornøyd. Efes One Turkish Restaurant. 293 Sandgate Rd, (utenfor Sandgate Road at Albion), 61 7 3862-4599-130. Brisbanes første tyrkiske restaurant. Uten tvil den mest populære destinasjonen for tradisjonell tyrkisk mat og en vennlig atmosfære i Brisbane. Mage dansere på fredag ​​og lørdag kveld. Landemerke. Shop101 Cnr mains Rd, (Sunnybank Plaza forretningsområde), 61 7 3344-3288. En av de mest kjente og populære kinesiske restaurantene i Brisbane, spesielt for sin godt utførte autentiske yum cha. Sakura. Franchises ligger i Coorparoo og Highgate Hill. Utmerket autentisk japansk mat til rimelige priser. Sitar. (ved siden av Skreddersydd i Albion-området). 131. Indisk restaurant som har franchiser i forsteder som West End og New Farm. Garuva Hidden Tranquility Restaurant. 324 Wickham St, Fortitude Valley. 61 732 160 124. 132. 7 dager, 6:00 til midnatt. I Fortitude Valley, bare en togstasjon unna Central. Spesialiserer seg på asiatisk mat, men kom for atmosfæren. Lav belysning, gulv sitteplasser og omgivende musikk gjør dette til den mest intime restauranten i Brisbane, og hvert bord er omsluttet av en ren gardin. Bar også, billige cocktailer fre og lørdag før 7 PM. 20. 160edit Tosakan Thai Restaurant. 23 Playfield St. 61 7 3350-5371. 133. 11 AM10:30 PM. Tosakan Thai Restaurant serverer autentisk thailandsk mat til servering i eller takeaway. 7-35. 160edit Laksa Hut. Indooroopilly. Beste Laksa og kinesisk-Malay mat i Brisbane. Ho-fun and salty chicken and fish are good too. Cafs Edit Brisbane CBD Edit John Mills Himself 40 Charlotte St, Fantastic caf set in the heritage listed John Mills Himself building. Turns into a bar at night. Brisbanes biggest second hand book store is in the same building and is called Archive. You can also access it down the bottom of the driveway from 55 Elizabeth St Strauss . 189 Elizabeth St. Great coffee and food. It is down the alleyway behind the TAB. West End Edit The Gunshop Cafe 53 Mollison St, 61 7 3844-2241. Possibly the best French toast in the city. Always busy so be prepared to queue and not open on Sunday. Fantastic coffee. Paladar . Cnr Fish Lane amp Merivale St. Devised by connoisseur Filip Pilioras, Paladar Fumior Salon is a must for lovers of Cuban coffee, culture and cigars. Despite having a small street frontage and being tucked away off a main street (Merivale St on the corner of Fish Lane) the bright red exterior makes it easy to find once you are in the area. Three Monkeys . 58 Mollison St Throughout the ground floor and garden of a converted house, this eclectic cafe is an enchanting maze of exotic furniture, fabrics and nooks. A Brisbane icon for over 20 years, you can enjoy meals, desserts and of course, tea and coffee, here 7 days a week. The Fox Hotel . Melbourne St, 61 7 3844-2883. Has a number of wonderful art deco bars and a signature restaurant serving true Italian ristorante style cuisine, luxurious banquet seating, opening roof and euro-style street side dining. Uber . 100 Boundary St. Only open for dinner, 4pm to 4am. Lychee Lounge . 94 Boundary St. Inspired by the neighbourhoods pre - and post-war housing and vibrant art sub-culture. Asian-inspired snacks and cocktails. The JoYnT . 48 Montague Rd. Small coffee shop in South Brisbane. West End Coffee House. 80 Vulture St. West End ( Corner Vulture St. and Boundary St. ). 6AM-4PM. Organic coffee, Thai food for lunch, relaxed atmosphere and occasional exhibitions. 3 coffee. ( -27.48071. 153.011742 ) 160edit Jam Jar Boundary St, great coffee and food, al fesco dining area. Also sells artworks. LocknLoad Boundary St, really good coffee and Australian cafe food. Some of the best breakfast on Boundary St. Atomica Nice smaller cafe on Boundary St, good coffee and nice eggs benny. Also sells Phoenix soft drinks which are amazing. Woolloongabba Edit Desmond and Molly Jones . 615 Stanley St, 61 7 3391-8594. Caf with exposed brick walls, a hodge-podge of vintage seating, and excellent iced chocolates. Milton Edit Bunker Coffee . 21 Railway Tce, Tiny caf set in a World War 2 bomb shelter covered with creeping fig. Specialty coffee and real hot chocolates with over 12 flavours. Teneriffe Edit Salon . 110 Macquarie St. Intimate Euro-chic ambience, delicious food and an extensive international wine list with over 20 available by the glass. Blowfly . 110 Macquarie St. Quirky and intimate. Modern take on the traditional Australian BBQ with a large alfresco dining area. London Club . 38 Vernon Terrace. Contemporary food and a young, casual vibe. New Farm Edit Campos . 11 Wandoo St, 61 7 3252-3612, 134. Sydney-based cafroastery. Located behind the popular Fresh on James Street markets. But please note that you cannot access this directly from James St Market you need to go around the complex to get there is a sign that points you the way. Paddington Edit Anouk . 212 Given Tce, 61 7 3367-8663. Open daily 7AM-2.30PM. Sophisticated atmosphere and the perfect place for brunch. On weekends you may have to queue for seating. WynnumManly Edit Jetty Kiosk . William Gunn Jetty, Manly Esplanade, ( behind the Manly Baths swimming pool ). Cafe owned by the Port of Brisbane. Open 7 days, from 9AM-4PM, Sit over the water enjoying a drink, dessert or meal and admire Moreton Bay. Peaceful. Cafe da Vinci . 50 Cambridge Parade, Manly, 61 7 3396-2069. Sit on the wooden deck of this bayside cafe and admire the harbour. Serves drinks, meals, great breakfasts, and desserts. Open 7 days, dinner only on Thu, Fri and Sat. Not the best breakfast in Manly. Drink Edit Brisbanes drinking and nightlife scene is separated into some distinct areas. Anyone planning a night on the town should be aware that after 3AM no more patrons are allowed into pubs and clubs. This is a safety measure, coupled with increased security presence at taxi ranks. Additionally, smokers should beware of strict anti-smoking regulations. Smoking is now banned in all areas where food amp drink is served, both indoors and outdoors. This means that smoking is banned in all hotels, clubs, and cafs except in designated smoking areas. The drinking age is 18 and only an Australian license or 18 card, or a foreign passport is accepted as proof of age. Other forms of ID such as a student card are not accepted. These regulations are strictly enforced - for nightclubs in particular your ID will always be checked at the door, and while venues serving food may let you in, most are very prudent in checking ID if you wish to purchase alcohol. Suburban Edit Regatta 135 ( adjacent to the Regatta CityCat terminal ) - expect a wait to get in on Thur, Fri and Sat nights, but a must-go for the best sessions on Wed and Sun nights when the venue is completely taken by students Royal Exchange (RE) Hotel 10 High St, 61 7 3371-2555 - generally a good, down-to-earth pub, more so than the Regatta, which tends to cater to a slightly trendier crowd Both Regatta and the RE have reputations (which they more than live up) as student haunts, being located reasonably close to the St Lucia campus of the University of Queensland. Catch a citycat to Bulimba for some trendy shopping on popular Oxford Street, great cafes, hip bars or for a picnic in the park. Oxford 152 136 152 Oxford St, 61 7 3899-2026 - one of Brisbanes most popular suburban restaurantbar. Chalk Hotel 137 735 Stanley St, 61 7 3896-6565 - a prominent Brisbane hotel since converted into extremely popular, multi-million dollar, modern southside barrestaurant. Very popular on Friday and Saturday nights, as well as duringafter matches at the nearby Gabba Stadium or special events at South Bank. Brisbane City Edit Belgian Beer Cafe 169 Mary St caters for a slightly more upmarket clientele, with a gourmet or boutique style to its all-Belgian-sourced beers, also serves meals, with a particular favourite being traditional Belgian mussels. Conrad Treasury Casino 130 William St - Brisbanes casino has a number of bars, from quiet lounges to dance floors. Known for its well-priced daiquiris. Open 24 hours a day (no lockout), though the individual bars vary. Criterion Tavern 239 George St - newly renovated bar, recommended for those who are looking for a quick beer and some country music. Down Under Bar 308 Edward St - A well known haunt for travellers, with a number of pool tables, dance floor and unashamedly little class. Messages left by visitors from all over the world adorn the walls. If you are studying in Brisbane or just backpacking, this is perfect bar for meeting people of other nationalities. Exchange Hotel 131 Edward St Somewhat popular with a wide, although decidedly young, demographic, including students, young professionals and tourists, who all stream in later in the night after cheap drinks finish at the other hotels nearby. Newly renovated with stylish interior and 2nd floor open roof bar. Fridays 123 Eagle St - a very popular nightclub which also features dining (not recommended after 10PM). Especially popular with the Friday after-work crowd. Smart dress code (business style shoes and shirts for the guys), always enforced. Mick OMalleys Irish Pub 171-209 Queen St - one of the many Irish pubs in Brisbane. Has a reasonable selection of food to enjoy with your pint of Guinness. The Port Office Hotel 38 Edward St - Trendy bar downstairs dance floor upstairs popular spot in Brisbane. Crowed with students on Thursday. The Victory Hotel often referred to by locals as the Vic, it is situated opposite the Exchange hotel on the corner of Edward Street and Charlotte Street. Nightclub and pool tables upstairs and a beer garden and karaoke bar downstairs. The venue is popular on Thursday nights for 3 basic. Fat Louies - 138 Fats is situated at 124 Albert Street in Brisbane City. It is a casual dress venue with occasional live music and DJ sets, however, its speciality is with 3 basic spirits every day between 1700 and 1900: Happy Hour. Lastly, it hosts karaoke and is a pool hall. Fortitude Valley Edit The Fortitude Valley is a unique area of Brisbane catering to the live music scene. A large number of Brisbanes hippest clubs are located here. Through the 1960s and 70s it was seen as Brisbanes bohemian hub and has maintained a certain degree of that reputation. More recently it is sometimes thought of as being one of the more dangerous areas of the city but this attitude is changing as the area becomes more popular and hence, safer. This however has had an adverse affect on the areas creative vibe as locals turn their back on the area, forcing the creative epicentre of Brisbane to other areas of the city such as West End and Paddington. As with anywhere, simple common sense, caution and courtesy will keep you out of harms way. Alfred and Constance 139 Crn Alfred amp Constance St, Fortitude Valley - Iconic Queenslander house refurbished into a venue with 4 interconnected pubs, each with a unique, eclectic theme. Includes a restuarant and a late-night desert cafe. Alhambra Lounge 140 12 McLachlan St - Very stylish interior with a modern ArabicSpanish theme, young professional and student crowd, good atmosphere and excellent cocktails. Various styles of house music. Located right next door to The Family . Anise - 697 Brunswick St. Promotional price range from 5 to 10. Near the corner of Barker and Brunswick St in New Farm - this great restaurant has an extensive range of French, Spanish and Swiss absinthe available Bank - Vault Lounge 141 Ann St - Party Bar, OK atmosphere, recently renovated, the Vault Lounge is perfect for functions. Outdoor seating available, woodfire pizza and pasta. Barsoma 142 22 Constance St - Trendy little bar tucked away on Constance Street (off Ann St) offers great cuisine amp an array of delicious (amp creative) cocktails. On some nights it plays alternative dance music parties. Birdee Num Num 143 608 Ann St - OK atmosphere, mainly student (popular with this crowd because of the lack of cover charge) and backpacker clientele. Commercial dance music. Bowery Bar 144 676 Ann St - A small amp chic New York inspired bar. FormalSmart dress code. Amazing cocktails. Cloudland 145 641 Ann St - Recently opened cocktail lounge on Ann Street with a retractable roof, 10 metre waterfall, 5,000 plants and a glass bar made from 17,000 glass balls threaded by hand. Caters to a very upmarket, sophisticated crowd. Smart dress code which is strictly enforced on busy nights. Club 299 299 Brunswick St - Fantastic if you enjoy metal, emo or any kind of alternative music. Elixir Rooftop Bar 146 646-648 Ann St - A sophisticated style roof top bar situated above the hustle and bustle of Ann St. This is an atmospheric cocktail bar open to the public seven days a week and provides live entertainment Thursday through to Sunday. Great atmosphere, great drinks and great food. The Empire 147 339 Brunswick St - alternative dance club, nice long balcony overlooking busy Brunswick Street, a few levels, less pretentious but darker than other dance clubs in Brisbane although no less dangerous. Glass Bar 148 420 Brunswick St - Vibrant atmosphere, small restaurant amp barlounge, really expensive drinks. GPO 149 740 Ann St - Bar and nightclub situated in a former Post Office on Ann Street trendy spot with great tunes. Laruche 150 680 Ann Street Fortitude Valley - Laruche offers impeccable service, bespoke cocktails and delectable food located in the heart of the entertainment precinct of the Fortitude Valley. Limes Hotel 151 142 Constance Street - Rooftop bar and cinema situated above a boutique hotel. Gets busy on weekends with young-professional crowd. Try the mojitos The Met 152 256 Wickham St The biggest club in Brisbane. Host to many international DJs. Amazing decor with great attention to detail. Many different rooms to explore. Although a bit expensive, a huge variety of different types of people inside. The Press Club 153 339 Brunswick St - Small club with large lounges to stretch out on. Host to funky Jazz blended with dance music. Rics 154 321 Brunswick St - Live music most nights. The Valleys hipster institution. Venue also includes Fatboys Cafe, which is a popular restaurant serving breakfast, steaks, pizza and pasta. Royal George (RG) Hotel 155 327 Brunswick St - Large Beer garden in the Brunswick St Mall, great atmosphere, great food deals most nights. Spanish Tapas Bar 156 455 Brunswick St - The only authentic Spanish Restaurant in Brisbane that embraces the Spanish food and Culture. The Sangria cheap. xampy Bar 157 648 Ann St - One of the least pretentious venues in The Valley. There is no strict clothing policy and youre likely to get in so long as youre wearing shoes, long pants and a shirt. Has a variety of music from live bands, DJs and special events. Zuri 158 367 Brunswick St - Upmarket ambiance, strict door entry conditions regarding clothing and shoes. Male to Female ratio strictly enforced. Quite expensive drinks. West End Edit Less crowded than the valley or the city, this bohemian district popular with locals offers a few hip clubs, intimate restaurants and a very laid back atmosphere. Lychee Lounge 159 94 Boundary St - intimate setting, sensual cocktails, beautiful crowd Uber 160 100 Boundary St - opulent, sophisticated amp funky restaurantbarloungedance floor. nice spot, popular with working professionals. Especially popular on Wednesday nights. Archive Beer Boutique 161 100 Boundary St - located at street level beneath Uber, Archive stocks over 200 different craft beers, primarily Australian. The food is generally excellent, although the menu is in no way as extensive as the beverage list. Prices are reasonable, particularly on Sunday Beer OClock where the price on the majority of bottled beers are reduced to 5. The Boundary Hotel 162 137 Boundary St - West Ends oldest pub has recently (2011) completed extensive renovations. This is perhaps the largest drinking establishment in West End, with two bars downstairs and a beer garden amp deck on the upper floor. The food is fairly plain but well priced, and the drinks menu is about the same. Excellent live blues acts Sunday afternoon and evenings from Wednesday to Saturday are the main reason to visit. Sling Lounge 163 153 Boundary St - extremely knowledgeable cocktail staff, with a huge range of drinks on the menu. Bigger than it appears from the outside, youll find a garden hidden out the back with high ceilings and a great atmosphere complemented by the jazz and lounge music usually playing. It can get busy on Friday and Saturday nights, with a resulting increase in wait times for your beverage. Well worth visiting, especially during quieter times - the staff are more than happy to walk you through the process of making your drinks, including the reasoning behind each individual ingredient being included. Tapas is also available, but prices are a little high considering serving size. Rumpus Room 56 Russell Street - great cocktails, and a good selection of spirits and bottled drinks. The music here is primarily funk and hip-hop, with live DJs on the weekend and during the latter half of the week. The beer garden out the front is a great spot to relax in the shade on a hot day and meet some locals. The crowd tends to be a lot thicker and drunker on Saturday nights, however. Lock n Load 164 142 Boundary St - friendly staff, live music most evenings and a decent array of cocktails. The beer garden at the back is a nice spot to relax, but is often crowded. Excellent spot for a light meal. The End 165 73 Vulture St - Calls itself a boutique bar for everyone. Quite small inside, so if youre not there early you will probably miss out on a seat to hipper than thou types. Decent selection of beers at the average price, ever-changing seasonal cocktail menu. Craft Beer Edit In the past few years Brisbane has seen a surge of interest and activity surrounding craft beer. If vague lagers arent your drink of choice then there are some great new venues for the hop-head traveller to check out. It is worth checking the Translink 166 website for the details of the 199 and City Glider buses as they run near a large number of the venues mentioned here. The Scratch 167 81 Park Rd, Milton - 4 taps and lots of bottles. This bar has very friendly and informed staff who will guide you towards beer nirvana. Theres generally something to be had on tap for around 6-8 with bottles extending up to about 50. Free peanuts make the rounds and cheese platters can be purchased. Food from near by restaurants can also be brought in at the possible expense of sharing a slice of pizza with the staff. Kerbside - 168 cnr Constance and Ann St, Fortitude Valley - 3 taps and lots of bottles. This bar has a laid back feel with second hand furniture (from kerbside collections) in what used to be the drive through bottle shop. Tapas style food is available. Archive Beer Boutique 169 100 Boundary Street, West End - Arguably has the largest selection of craft beer in Brisbane. Open for lunch Mon-Fri and does your standard pub fare. The End 170 73 Vulture St, West End - Beers, rum, and cocktails Bitter Suite 171 75 Welsby St, New Farm - 7 taps and a moderate range of bottles. Located in a quieter residential back street this cafe offers great food for breakfast, lunch and dinner served with some great beers. Tipplers Tap 172 22 Masters St, Newstead - 11 taps and a moderate range of bottles. With a keg line up that frequently changes and an American street food inspired menu this is a great afternoon retreat. A deck out the front allows larger gatherings, often of complete strangers, to share a beer around a giant picnic table. Bacchus Brewing Co. Unit 1, 2 Christine Pl, Capalaba - While not a bar this homebrew supply place also doubles as a micro brewery supplying some of the above venues. Your long journey from the city (approx 23km) will be rewarded with the ability to sample all of the 40 beers produced by the brewery. Green Beacon Brewery 173 26 Helen St, Teneriffe - Coming soon a micro brewery and seafood hangout. Also: Super Whatnot 174. Brew, Brewhouse Brisbane 175. The International Hotel, Mount Tambourine Brewery, Burleigh Brewing, Sunshine Coast Brewery Sleep Edit Budget Edit Banana Bender Backpackers. 118 Petrie Terrace ( 500m from Roma St Transit Centre ), 61 7 3367-1157 (receptionbananabenders ), 176. checkin: 11AM checkout: 10AM. A small, clean amp friendly hostel on the fringe of Brisbane CBD. 10 minutes walk from Brisbane Transit centre and an easy walk to South Bank amp CBD. Can be a little quiet but a great place to relax and meet new people 25-75. 160edit Brisbane City Backpackers. 380 Upper Roma St ( 400m from Roma St Transit Centre ), 61 7 3211-3221. 177. Clean, relaxed hostel with a pool and friendly staff. 160edit Brisbane City YHA. 392 Upper Roma St ( 600m from Roma St Transit Centre ), 61 7 3236-1004. 178. Clean, purpose-built and well-designed, big terrace with view on the river and bridges. From 29. 160edit Cloud 9 Backpackers Resort . 350 Upper Roma St, 61 7 3236-2333, 179 . Industrial-space conversion, roof terrace with view on Brisbane River and bridges. Nomads Brisbane Hostel (formerly Palace Central Backpackers), 308 Edward St, 61 7 3211-2433, 180 . A large hostel right across the street from Central Station. Its on the older side, but has a very fun, vibrant and young atmosphere. And its right over the Down Under Bar, so you havent far to stumble home. Can be loud and very party-oriented, but its a great spot to meet people. Base Backpackers Brisbane Uptown ( Tinbilly Travellers ), 466 George St ( cnr Herschel St opposite Roma St Transit Centre ), 61 7 3238-5888 (uptownstayatbase ), 181. A Base Hostel with big ensuite rooms, and good loungeTV facilities. 160edit Base Backpackers Brisbane Embassy. 214 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane 4000 ( From the Brisbane Transit Centre on Roma Street, head down George Street to Elizabeth Street and turn left. ), 61 7 3014 1715 (embassystayatbase ), 182. Base Brisbane Embassy is budget accommodation for those wanting to stay in the very centre of the city. 160edit Brisbane Backpackers Resort. 110 Vulture St, West End. 61 7 3844-9956. 183. Free pick-up from transit centre or airport, and free bus to and from the city every hour. 160edit Yellow Submarine VIP Backpackers. 66 Quay Street. 61 7 3211 3424. 184. Small, cozy hostel with tropical garden and pool. 160edit Bunk. 11 Gipps St, Fortitude Valley. 61 7 3257-3644 (infobunkbrisbane. au ), 185. Modern, clean, very popular, swimming pool, and one of Brisbanes popular (but more expensive) night clubs, Birdee Num Num. 160edit Somewhere to Stay Backpackers Hostel . 47 Brighton Rd, Highgate Hill, Free call 1800 812 398. 186. This hostel has a free shuttle to Southbank and Roma St Transit Centre, but these areas are only a 15 to 20 minute walk from the backpackers. The hostel is made up of one large, old house and a dorm block that is full of long term residents. The kitchen is very small for the size of the backpackers. The pool is dirty, which explains why no-one uses it. The bathrooms are small and few and far between in the old house. The backpackers offers free 15 minutes of internet time if you like them on Facebook and add a Google review. Moreton Bay Backpackers Lodge. 45 Cambridge Parade, Manly. 61 7 3396-3824. 187. Situated next to the ocean, in a bayside suburb. 20 min train ride from the Brisbane CBD. Can organise activities like surfing, sailing, fishing and diving. Dorms and private rooms, internet access, airport and train transfers. 160edit Mid-range Edit Brisbane hotels are listed in alphabetical order. Albion Manor Apartments and Motel. 402 Sandgate Road (Cnr Sandgate Road amp Camden Street), Albion. 1800 247 447 or 61 7 3256-0444. 188. Spacious and comfortable studio apartment. From 105. 160edit Central Brunswick Hotel. 455 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley. 61 7 3852-1411 ( fax. 61 7 3852-1015 ), 189. Spacious apartments close to Chinatown and nearby to CBD area of downtown Brisbane. 160edit Citigate King George Square Brisbane. Corner Ann amp Roma Streets. 61 7 3229-9111. 190. Walking distance to the Queen St Mall shopping precinct. 160edit Conrad Treasury. 130 William Street. 61 7 3306-8888. 191. Large rooms in an old colonial building in the centre of the CBD. 160edit Emporium Hotel. 1000 Ann St. 61 7 3253-6999. 192. One of Brisbanes best, but at high end prices. Part of the emporium complex, the hotel has some of the best rooms and spa and gyms in Brisbane. 160edit Golden Chain Motels - Brisbane. 193. Many locations in Brisbane and surrounding area serving quality accommodation at affordable prices. 160edit Greenslopes Motor Inn in Brisbane (Greenslopes). Cornwall Street (Cnr Dansie St), Greenslopes. 61 7 3394-3066, Toll free 1 800 441 14466 ( fax. 61 7 3394-2936 ), 194. 18 rooms, easy access off the Pacific Highway, plenty of off-street parking. 160edit Hilton. 61 7 3234-2000. 195. Overlooks Queen Street Mall. 160edit Hotel Grand Chancellor . 23 Leichhardt St, 61 7 3831-4055. Large chain hotel with courteous staff and nice rooms. Hotel Ibis . 27-35 Turbot Street, 61 7 3237-2333 Kingsford Riverside Inn. 114 Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton. 61 7 3862-1317. 196. Close to the airport. A few minutes walk from the Breakfast Creek Hotel. The accommodation can be accessed via door-to-door transport services 197. From 69. 160edit Limes Hotel. 142 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley. 61 7 3852-9000. 198. Contemporary designed boutique hotel in Fortitude Valley with a roof top bar and cinema. 21 balcony or courtyard (complete with hammock) rooms. Kitchenette with working bench space, free WiFi or broadband access, iPod dock, 32-inch LCD televisions and LOccitane toiletries. Daily newspaper service and complimentary beverage on the roof top. 160edit Mantra South Bank Brisbane. 161 Grey St, South Bank. 61 7 3305-2500. 199. New, modern, brash and very stylish. 160edit Brisbane Marriott Hotel. 515 Queen Street. 61 7 3303-8000. 200. checkin: 2pm checkout: 11am. This multi award winning 5 star hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Brisbane City, between the CBD and vibrant Fortitude Valley. The hotel overlooks the city skyline and river. from 229. 160edit Quality Hotel The Inchcolm. 73 Wickham Terrace. 61 7 3226-8888. 160edit Quay West Suites Brisbane. 132 Alice Street. 61 7 3853-6000. 201. Opposite the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, close to QUT and the Queensland Parliament. 160edit Raceways Motel in Brisbane (Hamilton). 66 Kent St. 61 7 3268-4355. 202. Family run accommodation close to Brisbane City Centre and Brisbane International Airport. 160edit Ridge on Leichhardt Hotel. 189 Leichhardt Street Spring Hill. 61 7 3831-5000. 203. 160edit Rydges 9 Glenelg Street, South Bank. 1 300 857 922. In the heart of Brisbanes arts and entertainment precinct, it is the closest hotel to the Queensland Performing Arts Centre. The Brisbane Convention amp Exhibition Centre is immediately adjacent to the hotel and downtown Brisbane and the bohemian village of West End are a 10 min stroll away. The Sebel King George Square Brisbane. Corner Ann amp Roma Streets. 61 7 3229-9111. 204. Within walking distance of the Queen St Mall shopping precinct. 160edit The Sebel Suites Brisbane. Charlotte Street Corner Albert Street. 61 7 3224-3500. 205. Distinctive newly refurbished boutique style rooms. 160edit Spring Hill Centre Point. 169 Leichhardt St, Spring Hill Qld 4000. 07 3832 3000 or 617 3832 3000. 206. Located in the heart of Spring Hill, one of Brisbanes oldest and most prestigious precincts. The spacious, air-conditioned furnished apartments at Spring Hill Centrepoint provide a home away from home for corporate and holiday guests with plenty of room to move. From 100. ( -27.462433. 153.023162 ) 160edit Story Apartments. 89 Lambert Street, Kangaroo Point. 61 7 3392-1300. 207. Offers both short-stay and long-stay accommodation, and is just a few min ferry ride from the CBD. From 209. 160edit Serviced apartments Edit Bridgewater Terraces . Wharf Street, Kangaroo Point, 208. Within a few minutes walk of Holman Street ferry terminal, Bridgewater Terraces consist of one, two and three bedroom self contained apartments. Large lagoon pool, spa, sauna, gym and barbecue facilities (shared with Quest Bridgewater next door). Quest Bridgewater . 55 Baildon Street, Kangaroo Point, 209. One, two and three bedroom apartments although more expensive than the Bridgewater Terraces it has great views of the city from some rooms. Quest Bridgewater utilizes the facilities on offer at Bridgewater Terraces. The Oaks Lexicon Apartments . Ann Street, Brisbane City, 210. In the heart of the CBD, is in a contemporary building with 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Facilities and service of a modern hotel but providing a self-contained apartment. Minutes to the Queen Street Mall, Riverside and the Brisbane Convention Centre. Evolution Apartments. Evolution Apartments, 18 Tank St ( close to Shinjuku Station ), 61 7 3034-3700 (infoevolutionapartments. au ), 211. In Brisbane CBD, fully serviced and provide a media room, swimming pool, deck with BBQs and a business centre. 160edit Contact Edit Internet Edit There are numerous internet cafes around the CBD. Check this page 212 for the closest one. Expect to pay around 2-3 per hour, although most places will offer you a discount if you pre-pay a certain number of hours. There are also alternatives to internet cafes: Free Internet access is available at the Brisbane City Council library, although you might need to book your session in advance. Free Internet (including wifi) access is available at the Queensland State Library, South Bank in selected areas. The main Infocentre area is quite large and has a number of 30 minute (no booking) and 60 minute (booking required) computers. The 60 minute computers are booked using a queuing system upon arriving at the library (no library card required). The Infocentre also has a very large lounge and desk area for those with their own laptops wishing to use the free WiFi. Printing is 0.10 per page, but requires the purchase of a 2 copy card in addition to the per page cost. The library is also air-conditioned (as one might expect) so is a good place to spend some time during the scorching mid-day heat. Many cafes and hotels provide free WiFi access to patrons. Keep an eye out for signage and use the internet city guide.213 Most McDonalds restaurants have free WiFi (limited to 50MB per session, no time limit). City Council Wifi is now provided in many parks and areas around the city centre they have no time limit or data limit but are be limited to 0.5mbps speed 214 Telephones Edit Payphones are abundant in the downtown area. For Australia wide contact options, such a mobile phones and calling cards, see the entry in Australia Stay safe Edit Crime Edit Queensland Police have a reputation for being more conservative than their counterparts in other Australian states, and some laws exist only in Queensland. It is against the law to wear t-shirts or clothing related to bikie gangs, and there have been reports of innocent individuals being questioned by police for wearing t-shirts that were similar to those worn by bikies. On 8 January 2015, a man was arrested in Brisbane for wearing an Im With Stupid t-shirt. Brisbane has a relatively low crime rate in comparison to other cities of such size. In most cases being aware of your environment and using common sense will keep you safe. Like Sydney and other large cities, trains and train stations are usually considered a common crime zone throughout the afternoons and nights, however trains and stations are patrolled by Police, Transit Officers, railway personnel and private security guards. Cameras are also used to increase security. It is advised to exercise caution when travelling on trains and buses during these periods of the day. On trains at night especially on a weekend its not uncommon to be harassed (not majorly, just verbal annoyance) by ignorant, casually racist bogans. Get out me country and so on. (Advice from a local): Crime isnt a major issue for most people in Brisbane. It is generally a case of wrong place, wrong time and many crimes are considered out of the ordinary when they occur. Here are some particular areas of note: Outer Suburbs . Tend to have a higher crime rate than inner suburbs which should be taken into account when visiting these areas. Days: Very safe during the day, but using common sense goes a long way. Avoid gangs of people, especially if they seem trashy or obnoxious and be mindful if a questionable person approaches you. Nights: Like most other places, outer suburbs to get more dangerous. It is recommended that individuals walking in these areas at night take precaution or venture within a group. Suburbs to avoid: Most of the dodgy Brisbane suburbs are far away from the common tourist trail and on an international scale, would be considered generally safe. Avoid Bracken Ridge, Brendale, Caboolture, Ipswich, Acacia Ridge, Inala, Goodna, Logan Central, Kingston and Woodridge. Safe outer suburbs include Redcliffe, Wynnum and Shorncliffe. City CentralCBD . Usually very safe at all hours. Days: Very safe during the day thanks to a good police presence and most people only being there for work. Though during school holidays groups of youths can congregate, especially around Queen St and South Bank and can get rather rowdy, but they usually mind their own business. Nights: Still relatively safe at night. Police presence isnt as strong, except on Friday and Saturday nights, but youre still urged to travel with others. Be careful if catching a train at night, even though the train stations and trains are well patrolled and watched by CCTV. Treasury Casino patrons often gather outside and unwanted attention can be received late at night due to drunks. However, security is tight and the entire area around the Casino is monitored by CCTV. Take extra caution if in South Bank at night due to groups of youths congregating there. Suburbs to avoid: No inner city no go zones exist, but its adviseable to avoid parts of New Farm and South Brisbane, particularly near Musgrave Park at night. During the day, this part of South Brisbane is generally safe. Fortitude Valley . Police presence very strong here due to the concentration of bars. Days: Just as safe as the CBD during the day. Nights (especially Friday and Saturday): Taxi ranks in particular can be a little dangerous due to many frustrated drunks having to wait for cabs. Wait only at ranks that have a security guard. Stay to the well-lit busy streets and never venture off alone, especially down back-streets or far away from a crowd. Especially for females, it is recommended to travel in pairs or groups to avoid any unwanted attention from drunken travellers, especially in the early hours of the morning. Suburban pubs . generally less safe than inner-city pubs, bars and clubs due to less police and security. Drunks can be a hassle when in the vicinity of suburban pubs, especially around closing times. Fights in these venues are common. Emergency numbers Edit Throughout Australia, the number for emergency services (Police, Fire and Ambulance) is 000 . When using a mobile or cell phone, the numbers 000 and 112, are free of charge, and connect using any of the available networks. Emergency numbers such as 911 and 999 do not work within Australia. Consulates Edit Sun safety Edit Important Probably the worst thing that can befall your trip to Brisbane is sunburn and other heat-related issues. The local UV Index is almost always in the extreme rating during the day (10AM-3PM) and precautions should always be taken . Do not be fooled though, even in the cooler months or when it is overcast you can still be affected by UV rays or the heat. Sunscreen, shirts, sunglasses and lots of water are essential. Try to stay in the shade as much as possible. Get out Edit Brisbane provides a base for day trips to explore the southeast of Queensland. The North Coast of New South Wales can also be reached in an hour if traffic is light, but allow up to two hours travel if traffic is heavy or there is an accident on the Pacific Motorway. Queensland Rail also provides extensive services out of Brisbane to the north and south of the city and to the Gold Coast. North of Brisbane: Glass House Mountains National Park - about an hour north of Brisbane. There is a scenic drive through the mountains with a couple of lookouts, or you can go for a hike - easy or difficult, depending on the mountain. (Mt. Beerwah offers a stern but quick scramble and a good view of the area.) There are a few small roadside shops in the area that sell homemade jams and varieties of macadamia nuts. Beerwah - home of the Australia Zoo 220. run by the family of the late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. Admission is 57 for adults. Sunshine Coast - 90 minutes north of Brisbane, suitable for surfers without the clutter of the more famous beaches to the south. The city of Noosa and several derivatively-named cities (e. g. Noosa Heads, Noosaville) offer short and long-term accommodation, some restaurants and a few stretches of shops aimed at tourists with and without a budget. Sunshine Coast Hinterland - 90 minutes north of Brisbane. Crafts and galleries and cafs and lots of bushwalks and scenic views in the Blackall Ranges at Maleny. Montville. Flaxton and Mapleton . Eumundi - famous markets on Wednesday and Saturday. North Stradbroke Island and South Stradbroke Island - amazing beaches, 4WD and fishing, accommodation, all very close to Brisbane. Moreton Island 221 - Holiday destination very close to Brisbane. Dive and snorkel Tangalooma Wrecks, whale watching, dolphin feeding, sand tobogganing, 4wd and much more. Fraser Island - World Heritage listed site, offering pristine, unspoiled lakes, dunes, forests and wildlife. Camping is possible, or day-trips can be arranged from Noosa. Worlds largest sand island. Redcliffe This peninsula located 45 minutes north is famous for its long stretch of beach, friendly locals and excellent food, shops and weather. South of Brisbane: Gold Coast - famous for being a tourist town, approximately 70km south of Brisbane on the Pacific Motorway. Dreamworld and Whitewater World 222 - Theme park in the western Gold Coast suburb of Coomera, on the Pacific Motorway. Many large thrill rides including the Tower of Terror and the Giant Drop and roller coasters. There are also child-friendly rides and Australian animal attractions and shows, as well as a Tiger exhibit. Whitewater World is a water park adjacent to Dreamworld and offers the newest technology in water rides. It costs extra to get into, but you can buy a pass that gets you into both parks for a discounted price. Movieworld 223 - Another theme park near Dreamworld and Wet n Wild Water World. Generally longer, more cinematic and atmospheric rides, shows and attractions. Seaworld 224 - aquatically-themed park sandwiched on a peninsula between the Gold Coast Seaway and the Pacific Ocean, located in Southport (just north of the Gold Coast.) A few rides, but popular for its impressive animal shows and exhibits. Wet n Wild Water World 225 - Water park on the Gold Coast, with heated rides and pools for winter. Large number of thrill rides and also mellow relaxation areas. Mt. Tamborine National Park 226 - extensive areas of National Park plus arts, crafts, galleries and the like, near several forest hikes. There are some excellent fudge shops at the top of Mt. Tamborine that offer generous free samples and a staggering variety of flavours. Surfers Paradise - 227 - tourist Mecca, and arguably the most upmarket area on the Gold Coast. Located on a life-guarded beach front, host to Caville Avenue, and several shopping malls. Lower Moreton Bay Moreton Bay - includes places like Moreton Island (where Scooby Doo was filmed) and St. Helena Island (a former maximum security prison for convicts.) West of Brisbane: Samford Valley - Samford Valley is a beautiful country get away northwest of Brisbane. There is rolling green hills, bush walking, a historic hamlet with lots of cafes, shops, museums, heritage buildings and a beautiful country tavern. This is a great location to take the family out for a day trip to the country, around a 35 minute drive from Brisbane CBD. Ipswich - is situated 40160km west of Brisbane. 45 minutes by road from Brisbane City. Brisbane Skydiving Centre 228 - offers tandem skydiving and advanced freefall courses. Willowbank. Workshops Rail Museum 229 - The whole family will enjoy the birthplace of Queensland Rail and enjoy the interactive exhibits at this award-winning museum. North Street, North Ipswich. Brookwater Golf Club - An 18 hole Greg Norman championship golf course and Australias No. 2 public access course. Queensland Raceway 230 - Queenslands premier race circuit. This is the only location near Brisbane where members of the public can drive on the same racetrack as professional drivers. Champions Way, Willowbank. Bunya Mountains National Park 231 - Three hours west of Brisbane. One of the oldest national parks in Queensland. Home of the ancient bunya pine and many other species of plants, birds and other animals. Stay at least three nights to have time to hike in the park. This is a usable article. It has information for getting in as well as some complete entries for restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow Cheapest removal boxes for sale in Brisbane - 50 OFF with FREE Delivery this week PLEASE order OnLine - Should you have difficulty with the OnLine order process please Contact Us. Secure payment options at Check Out include: Visa and MasterCard debit and credit cards using either PayPal or NABs Transact facility Or payment direct from your PayPal account. SPECIAL - Order 60 or more for FREE Delivery this week to over 14,000 localities. Order before 2pm, SAME business day dispatch, delivery times then apply. Check expected delivery period to your locality here . Order Pick-Up is FREE and available only from Archerfield, Brisbane 4108 each Business Day between 7am to 2pm. MarketPlace allows you to post an Ad to sell used boxes at a price and time you determine. It encourages face-to-face local trading, and is also great for the environment. Your journey starts at MarketPlace Registration . Once registered you have free and secure access to your user account to add, amend or delete your Ad. Its FREE to post an Ad, and no commission is charged on sale You can proactively search to find someone wanting to buy or sell used boxes. You search by Post Code and can extend your search by intervals from 5km to 100km distance. When you find the match, use the contact details from the Ad to commence your trade. Printing Services Brisbane Our online printing prices mean you don8217t have to wait for a quote. ePrint have been providing printing services Brisbane for over 30 years so customers trust our printing quality and performance. ePrint is the highest ranked individual print business in Brisbane, offering full range of business print services. ePrint is your one stop printing shop. With 4 printing sections and a design team all under one roof, ePrint can cover all of your printing needs in the shortest amount of time and hassle Printing Areas Printing: Brisbane Area. Same day digital print (allow extra for design), Windsor showroom, online prices, friendly staff and free customer parking. Phone 07 3866 9600. We also offer Graphic design, Offset prints, Print services and Print solutions. Same Day Printing Services Brisbane City CBD. ePrint is a combination of three printing companies, that provide its Brisbane customers with fast and reliable printing services Brisbane. We provide an in-house delivery service for the following local areas at: Postcodes: 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4010, 4051, 4059, 4101, 4169 Suburbs: Brisbane City, Albion, Bowen Hills, East Brisbane, Fortitude Valley, Herston, Kangaroo Point, Kelvin Grove, Newstead, Newfarm, South Brisbane, Spring Hill, West End, Wilston, and Windsor, charges apply. We provide delivery of print to all other areas, via post and fastways couriers. Types of Printing Services Brisbane Largest and fastest printing services in Brisbane. All of our services are under one roof located in Windsor. Free customer parking with online prices. Four sections of print and one Design section. Small Format includes Business cards, Flyer printng, NCR books, Perfect Bound Books, Booklets and Invitations. Traditional Print includes Plan Printing, Scanning, Labels, Binding and Laminating. Our wide format section includes Stickers, Pull up Banners, Canvases and Sign Boards and our offset printing section has many products available. Most products can be printed within 24 hours. We have been a trusted printer in Brisbane for over 30 years Why chose ePrint for printing Brisbane Services Printing Brisbane is a combination of Copying and printing businesses including TJ8217s Imaging Centre, Survey Drawing amp Drafting, Tj8217s ePrint, Clearprint Reprographices, ePrint online and Inkys. Unlike Snap printing and Officeworks we have all of our digital press machines in our Brisbane City location. With a showroom, print samples and free customer parking, the hassle is taken out of print services. Graphic Design We offer Business card designs, Flyer and Brochure design and carbonless copy Invoice, docket, receipt, order books. We can also help you with your branding and logo design. If we can not help you, we can put you in touch with many other designers that use us for thier printing needs. 20th September 2013-I can not thank you enough for your help (and the whole TJ8217s team) being so wonderful with the project yesterday for LJ Hooker. They picked up the booklets at 1pm and were very impressed It was for a HUGE meeting where they were pitching for the sale of a very large development and they were so impressed by the whole project they8217ve actually contacted me to discuss doing some work for them long term very exciting I really appreciate your help and Adrian8217s great work. Please pass a huge thank you (and high five) along to him also. 13th September 2013 8211 Our wide format printing section has just moved into the new Windsor Office. All Vinyl Banners, Pull up Banners, Canvas Prints, Signs and Stickers will be printed at this office. Your printing can be delivered but collections for these products should be collected from our Windsor Office. Credit card payments can only be processed at our Newstead office but we can email your receipt for your order to you or to the Windsor office for collection. Same Day Printing Services Brisbane There are several companies offering same day printing services Brisbane customers, but many of these are website-only companies without a contact phone number or address. They could be anywhere in Australia or overseas ePrint has had our office in Brisbane for over 30 years. With 15 staff, we are big enough to offer a high-quality result on a whole range of jobs but small enough to give you a personal service and remember your name. If you need fast printing in Brisbane, we can print almost any order in ths same 24 hour day. Due to our quick turnaround, quality work and competitive prices. Our goal is to complete all jobs within 24 hours, so all jobs are treated with urgency. They are also printed by one person but checked by another in line with our quality procedures. We invest in the latest printing technology and backup equipment including the latest Konica Minolta Pre Press 7000 to give you superior result every time Can I see Print Samples to help me decide Sure We are centrally located and encourage you to come and check out our different different design ideas, paper thicknesses, laminates and celloglaze. We can also mail you a sample if you require. We have samples of previous print orders. We also have printed samples specific to 350gsm business cards, 400gsm business cards, Slimline business cards, Saddle Stitched booklets, Perfect Bound Booklets We can also send you a sample in the post. Please contact us for your print sample needs on 07 3866 9600 Can we print your order same day For certain jobs, we can even print a sample before proceeding with the overall print order. You need to have your files set for print ready. For small format printing this means a pdf file with 3m bleed. Some examples of the printing that we can produce same day are 350gsm Business cards, Flyers, plan printing, Banners, Posters, Invoice books, laminating. Same day printing means we can produce prints within 24 hours. Some print jobs can be produced in the same business day as they are ordered providing you place your order early enough. If you require your printing urgently please contact us prior to placing your order. Same day printing is not always possible it will depend on: Size 8211 Obviously there is a limitation to the volume of prints that can be done in one day. When given some prior warning, however, we have been known to stay back to all hours to meet a customers needs. Artwork 8211 With all of the services listed above, we have a template that can be downloaded to check that the artwork is set up correctly for printing. We also have people on staff that can do this for you. Time frames depend on how much work your file needs to become print ready. Time of Day 8211 Completion time will depend on the time of day we receive the print job, but we have had people contact us with a job at 3pm and still been able to have it done by the end of the day. We can complete most small print jobs within 24 hours. As one of the most flexible same day printers Brisbane wide, we have also extended our trading hours in the past to deliver urgent jobs How Fast Can you deliver my prints We specialise in super fast printing services Brisbane, but delivery times will depend on where you are. BRISBANE CITY 8211 2 runs per day within 4 hour of printing completion No need to waste time coming to us. We have our own driver who can hand-deliver printing in the Brisbane CBD. Suburbs include Kangaroo Point, East Brisbane, Woolloongabba, South Brisbane, West End and all suburbs within. LOCAL AREA 8211 2 runs per day within 4 hours of printing completion Suburbs covered include Fortitude Valley, Newstead, Newfarm, Albion, Bowen Hills, Kelvin Grove, and all suburbs within. MID-TO-OUTER SUBURBS 8211 We have Couriers Please collect from us 4 times per day. They deliver to all Brisbane suburbs, same day or next day. Our friendly staff can advise you on the delivery time for your area. Outside of Brisbane 8211 We use Couriers Please, but can also post and express post using the courier company of your choice. Its all about communication. Charges We will work this out for you, but as a guide: Go to the Couriers Please website and enter the pickup and delivery postcodes, as well as the approximate package dimensions and weight. This will give you the amount of coupons to use. Can I collect my Prints Of course To make things easy, we provide free customer parking. Our office hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. We have been known to stay back and wait for customers to collect their printing orders. We can also wrap your orders and place them outside if you can not get to us during business hours. We hope to see you soon. Do you offer Design Services Yes, we can help with design. We have designers on staff and we also have many designers as our customers that we can put you in touch with. Web to Print We have templates of various products that can be edited by you and saved as your own. Corporate customers will be able to see and order previous jobs online, will be able to edit previous jobs online and have access to fixed prices online. Print Payment Options Upon receipt of an order we will contact you for your credit card details. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Amex (a 3 surcharge applies for Amex). Upon the completion of your printing, we create the tax invoice, charge the card, and the receipt is ready with your printing. Debit cards are also accepted. History of ePrint Hi I8217m Peter, I first started working for TJ Cunningham and Associates in 1986 when I was 18. It was a small business that provided plan printing services brisbane and drawing office supplies to the construction industry. I started as the delivery driver and other duties included order taking, phone answering, goods receiving and plan printing. The plan printing machines used amonia gas to convert the yellow sensitised paper to black lines. The tracing original would be overlayed onto the yellow paper and sent under a uv light. The tracing was then removed and the yellow and white sheet would be fed through the amonia gas and slide to a back catch tray. An experienced operator could feed up to 240 sheets of A1 Size plans per hour. Our largest competitor in Brisbane was Clearprint Reprographics. Our two businesses would compete for large construction projects and also for the Queensland State Government Print Contract. This was the largest plan printing customer in Queensland, constructing all of the States Schools, Hospitals, Prisons etc. When Clearprint won the contract from us we decided to look to where we thought the future of plan printing was heading. Tj Cuningham and Assoc purchased the first Digital plan printing machine in Brisbane. A Kip machine capable of printing two A1 size prints per minute. Customers would need to send us HPGL plot files and we would have to set up pen thicknesses for them in order to have the plans printing correctly. We had a phone modem that allowed us to collect email. The Kip machine could not collate. Eventually we had enough customers using this new digital printing services Brisbane to compensate for the loss of the Government work. A few years later Kip released a new model that was faster and had collating ability. This machine was the begining of the end for Amonia and dyeline plan printing equipment. Tj Cunningham and Associates moved to 46 Wyandra Street Newstead where they would stay for the next 15 years. We were able to win back the Govt Print Contracts as we were able to print much faster and at a lower cost. Watpac was one of our major construction clients. They decided to form a joint venture with Multiplex and bid for the reconstruction of Lang Park (Suncorp Stadium). This was a massive project that we had to quote for. Our problem was that we had grown our business to capacity and could not really handle this if we were to be successful. Multiplex was Clearprint8217s customer. We new that they would be bidding for this work as well. We held talks with Clearprint to gauge the interest of sharing this work and bidding together. We were successful and eventually the two companies merged to form Tjs Imaging Centre. All of the Staff and equipment was moved into the Newstead address. Tim and Luke from Clearprint worked with Tjs Imaging Centre for a few years but then decided that they wanted to branch out into more challenging print. They created ePrint and started printing business cards, canvases, signs, flyers and stickers from their address at 1 St Pauls Tce Spring Hill. The world wide web was continuing to develop. Eventually the speed was fast enough that construction companies could email the plans directly to the subcontractors. the subcontractors would be responsible for printing their own drawings. This changed the amount of plans that needed to be printed. We needed to find new revenue streams so we started to look for a new partner. It made sence to approach Tim and Luke who we had worked with in the past. It was agreed that we would merge the two businesses together and form Tjs ePrint. We now had 12 staff and the ability to print all forms of digital work in house and also to send larger work to our offset suppliers. We installed an online web to print shop. Our customers can now order printing 247, all of their artwork is kept online, customers receive emailed update of the progress of their print orders and there is also free templates and free online design. This has been a massive project for us but we believe that this will be a hugh benifet to our customers and our business in the long run. In 2013 we received the news that the building owners were going to build units at 46 Wyandra St Newstead. We had to find somewhere else to operate. In our search we had talks with Inkys who were also looking at what to do with their business. We merged with them and moved into our current location at 2101 Newmarket Rd Windsor. Inkys equipment was much larger and provided the much needed finishing equipment that was missing from our operations. We now have 20 staff members and 4 sections for printing. Traditional Plan Printing, Laminating, Scanning, Photocopying, Colour Posters and Plans, Digital Folder Printing, Ncr Invoice Books, Comb, Wire and Coil Spiral Binding Small Format Digital Printing Services Brisbane Business Cards, Flyers, Brochures, Booklets, Perfect Bound Books, Invitations etc. Offset and Design Full design service, letterheads, with comp slips, Presentation Folders, Large corporate printing, Bulk Orders Large Format Solvent Printing Services Brisbane Stickers, Canvas Printing, Foam Board and Coreflute Signs and Artboards, Cloth Posters, Window Graphics, Car Graphics, Lawn Bowl Stickers Tjs ePrint and Inkys We offer most in house printing within 24 hours and have the staff and the equipment to back up this claim. We are always on the lookout for the next printing service or merger opportunity. Contact us today Can you send me an invoice to pay Yes. It is cheaper to order online but we can arrange to send you a quote and and invoice if you wish to pay via direct deposit. If you have been searching for a professional, reputable and reliable large volume printer who can handle your big and small printing needs, were ready. Testimonial Hi Luke and all of the staff at EPRINTONLINE. AU Id just like to tell you all how absolutely thrilled I am with the posters and A frame signage that you have produced for me this week. They look absolutely fantastic. Your customer service is second to none and the speed at which you have produced these is great. You can use my testimonial if you want and copies of the signage that you have produced with my blessing. Thank you all once again. Just want to thank both Tim and you as well as all the staff at TJSImaging for all your help All of you are amazing Thanks I would like to highlight what wonderful service I received from Tim today. He was extremely helpful, friendly, patient and professional. I would highly recommend TJS EPrint, purely based on the service I received from Tim. It would be wonderful if every company had a 8216Tim8217 working for them. I just wanted to say a huge thankyou for all you did in getting our booklets to us. They arrived at 10.30 this morning just in time for the course. You are a star. Also please thank Justin for us. PROVIDE YOUR DETAILS To get your first order out the door, get started by providing your print details. CREATE AN ONLINE ACCOUNTGain access to online quotes, artwork uploads and delivery tracking. Need to learn more about our products, services, and stocksDoors and Windows Follow Us We supply a wide range of second hand doors and windows. Salvaged mostly from our demolition projects, second hand doors and windows range from antique through to modern. You will be surprised at the quality and range and of course the money you can save from sourcing second hand products as opposed to new. Timber Doors French Doors Bi-Fold Doors Hopper Windows Sliding Doors Stained Glass Windows Internal Doors Bay Windows Aluminium Windows Casement Windows Security Screens Crimsafe Screens Heritage Windows Entrance Doors External Doors Wardrobe Doors French doors and bi-fold doors can really transform a room by letting natural light in and providing a panoramic view to the outdoors. These well sought after doors can be expensive, however, you can still style your room at an affordable price when purchasing these items from our demolition yard. Securing your home can also be an expensive task. We salvage an assortment of types and sizes of security screens and windows from demolition projects. From time to time we even have Crimsafe security doors and screens available. Customers often seek out doors and windows from our recycling yard as they are looking for a particular size that they cannot locate elsewhere. We have various sizes available come in and take a look around. Theres no need to sort through numerous piles of second hand building materials in order to find your second hand door or window. Our yard is meticulously organised and categorised. As you can appreciate well sought after items are sold quickly so it is best to check back regularly. We are also happy to note the details of your requirements and contact you should your items arrive. If youre currently looking for a particular door or window, please feel free to contact us . Visit the Trading Post Online to view all new and recycled items that we currently have in stock. 650 550 ffffff 100 normal true bottom false ffffff 100 5 0 5 5 5 arrows caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesThumbnailsPrev. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesThumbnailsPrevHover. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesThumbnailsNext. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesThumbnailsNextHover. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesThumbnailLoader. gif 60 60 50 100 100 ffffff 000000 000000 2 f1f1f1 000000 000000 0 0 0 0 caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesImageLoader. gif afafaf 100 fit 1000 20 20 20 20 5 5 5 5 true caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesPrev. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesPrevHover. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesNext. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesNextHover. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpl uginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightbox. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxHover. png true 900 75 000000 000000 ffffff 50 bottom true 777777 e0e0e0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 true 000000 80 caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxLoader. gif 000000 100 70 70 70 70 10 10 10 10 caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxPrev. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxPrevHover. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxNext. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxNextHover. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxClose. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesLightboxCloseHover. png 000000 dddddd true false caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesSocialShare. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesSocialShareLightbox. png false ffffff 000000 000000 false 5000 true true caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesPlay. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesPlayHover. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesPause. png caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptgassetsguiimagesPauseHover. png false 2000 caylamaxrecycling. ausitewp-contentpluginsdoptguploadsqB11b8yN7BscQRrmELhAyrrwfb2B1L6mDKQhkaSDZEkSGfb3tdwKMgeDXfzPMCAYD. 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